I've been looking for healthy, yet yummy, bars that I can take to work with me when I have a snack attack and keep in my purse. There are sooo many "healthy" bars out there, but most are full of crap (high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, etc.) and I refuse to put stuff like that in my body (if I can help it!) I read my labels VERY carefully. I came acrose Gnu Foods Flavor & Fiber bars this past weekend at The Vitamin Shoppe. I decided to give them a try along with Larabars. I have to tell you, I found two winners. TheLarabar is tasty and completely healthy (only ingredients on the Cherry Pie bar are dates, almonds, and unsweetend cherries). There's 4 grams of fiber and 190 calories (at least in the Cherry Pie bars.) I'm definitely going to make them apart of my pantry. What's better than having bars handy that are only 3 simple ingredients and that taste great?
The Gnu bars (I tried the Banana Walnut and Orange Cranberry) are very yummy. The only downside is they have a bunch of ingredients (compared to the Larabar) but they are all good ingredients. There's only 130 calories and 12 grams of fiber (in the Orange Cranberry bar). That's 48% of your daily value for fiber! Wow!
You can go to www.GnuFoods.com and www.larabar.com to check them out. And just to make it clear, I'm not getting paid in any way to write this blog. I just found two great bars that I'd thought others should know about.
Have a great day!!
Easy Watermelon Feta and Cucumber Salad
3 years ago