E and I have been talking alot lately about the state of this country. It's pretty sad, and pretty scary. I like our President as a person, but as a leader, not quite as much. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't vote for him. It had absolutely nothing to do with the color of his skin or that he's a Democrat (I consider myself an Independent.) I didn't vote for him because I didn't believe his promises. I didn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. I didn't believe his "change" would be a good change. Well, so far it's not. I watch alot of news on both ABC and Fox. Many people say Fox is the "Republican news". I think it's just the news that tells all sides of the story and not just what they want us to hear.
I've been watching alot of Glenn Beck lately and this week he's got some powerful shows on. There are many questions that I'd like to ask my President and even my state leaders. I have so many "whys" and "hows" but I don't know who to ask and even if my voice will be heard. I want to stand up and fight for what I believe in, but where do I begin? I want to be able to make a difference and help bring this country back to it's roots. I want to make sure that we still have our freedom, because the way things are going now it'll be gone.
If you go to http://www.glennbeck.com/ or http://www.foxnews.com/ and look for Glenn Beck's site you'll find out about the "advisors" that surround our President. You will be surprised and shocked, to say the least, at what they believe in. There are questions that Mr. Beck has posted for us that we need to be asking our government. If we don't, if we don't stand up and demand a change, we are going to lose so much. I'm terrified of what's to come. I don't normally promote other people's opinion unless I strongly believe in what they have to say. If you are reading this blog, please check out the websites, or watch Glenn Beck's show at 5pm eastern on Fox News. You will learn so much that the other news networks just aren't reporting.
Easy Watermelon Feta and Cucumber Salad
3 years ago